Wellness Packages
Preparation for Health CheckUp
Blood Test
- Fast (abstain from food and drink) for at least 8 hours before your blood test. Avoid intake of alcoholic beverages for at least 72 hours.
Urine Analysis / Stool Examination
- For stool samples, avoid meat for 2 days before the stool exam.
For Urine sample for women, schedule your appointment 3-5 days after menses.
Ultrasound Breast for Women
- Abstain from food for 8 hours before your exam.
Ultrasound Breast for Women
- No fasting is required. Drink plenty of plain water, since a full bladder is required for an adequate examination.
Ultrasound Breast for Women
- Schedule your breast examination 1 week after menses when the breasts are the least tender.
PV & Thin Prep Pap-Smear for Women
- Schedule your examination is about one week after your menses.
Exercise Stress Test
- Stop smoking and avoid coffee and tea on the day of the examination. The test should be performed at least two hours after your last meal. Wear comfortable clothes with buttons down the front, and wear walking or running shoes.
Upper GI X-ray
- Fast (abstain from food and drink) for at least 8 hours before your blood tests. Avoid intake of alcoholic beverages for at least 72 hours.
Barium Enema X-Ray
Please make appointment and contact X-Ray department for preparation.
- X-Ray Department Service Hours:
Sunday – Thursday : 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday : 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Delivery Packages
Terms and Conditions:
- You can receive the service as described on the card.
- This coupon is not redeemable in cash.
- This voucher can't use conjunction with any other promotions.
- Advance appointment is required at Wellness Center 02-282-1100 ext. 181,
- The hospital reserves the right to make all final decisions.
Appointment / Inquiries:
Tel: (+662) 282-1100
Fax: (+662)280-0441
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.